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XCEL-50EC service training
technical training for authorized service providers
XCEL-50EC training videos
Video are located within the FAQs below. Click the tabs to view service training video demonstrations featuring the Blodgett XCEL-50EC.
Frequently asked questions
Question 1: What routine maintenance needs to be performed?
The routine maintenance for the Blodgett XCEL-50EC is outlined in the Cleaning & Maintenance guide which can be downloaded from the Supporting Documentation link to the right.
Question 2: The controller programming needs to be modified for a new product, how do I program it?
See the programming demonstration videos below or refer to the WC-208 Control Programming Guide in the Supporting Documentation to the right.
Adding a name to the Product Name Library
Modify Product Key Programming
Question 3: I put the oven into clean mode and the screen reads, Steam Cleaning for an hour or more.
When the oven begins clean mode, it uses water to cool itself down, which creates steam to prepare the oven for cleaning. If the water is not available, it will remain in Steam Cleaning until the water supply is restored. Follow the steps below as necessary to restore water to the unit.
customer steps
- Verify the water has not been shut off to the unit.
- Check the filter screen where your water hooks into the unit to verify it is not clogged.
- Press Clean for 5 seconds to end the clean cycle and unlock the door. Then press cool down and open the door slightly to allow the oven to cool. When it is cool, inspect the water inlet elbow above the blower wheel (It is the smaller tube toward the back of the oven) and verify it is not blocked. If the problem persists, call for service).
Question 4: The oven is not cleaning properly, what can I check?
When the oven is in clean mode, it circulates water and chemical through the plumbing system and over the blower wheel, which coats and cleans the oven cavity. If a component in the cleaning process fails, the oven may not clean properly. Follow the steps below as necessary to find the cause.
Click here to view plumbing system components.
customer steps
- Are the inlet elbows above the blower wheel clean and free of obstructions.
- Check to make sure you have adequate chemical in your bottle, and mark a line and date on the bottle to see if the level goes down during the cleaning cycle.
- Check your chemical line for kinks or plugs. (Contact Kay Chemical @ 800-333-4300 if a cap or line is needed.
- Make sure your chemical bottle cap is clean, installed properly, not damaged, and is without any dried residue.
- Make sure your drain hose is not kinked and placed over, but not in the floor drain. If the hose is under water, the unit will not drain properly.
- Check the oven, while in clean mode for leaks from the cavity drain, the rear backpack area, etc. If leaks are found, see FAQ #5. If no leaks are found, and the problem persists, call for service.
Question 5: I found liquid leaking from the oven, what should I do?
When the oven is in clean mode, it circulates water and chemical through the plumbing system. If a component in the plumbing system leaks, the oven will not clean properly and components may get damaged. Follow the steps below as necessary to find the cause.
Click here to view plumbing system components.
customer steps
- Determine if it is a clean water, recirculation water or chemical leak if possible.
- Without removing any parts, try to identify the general location of the leak, so you can tell your service provider.
- If it is a fresh water leak, make sure your water supply hose is tight and not cross threaded. If the leak is not at your supply fitting or cannot be stopped, turn the water off to the unit. If the leak is recirculation water (dirty) or chemical, stop the clean cycle if it is running, by pressing the clean button for 5 seconds, or disconnect power from the unit, and call for service. This will prevent expensive damage to the unit.
Question 6: I marked the chemical bottle last night, and the level is not down today.
When the oven is in clean mode, it draws chemical into the oven to clean it. If the chemical is not introduced during the cleaning cycle, the oven will not clean properly. Please note: the chemical is dangerous and personal protective equipment must be used as well as every precaution to avoid personal contact.
customer steps
- Check your chemical line for kinks or plugs. (Contact Kay Chemcial @ 800-333-4300 if a cap or line is needed)
- Make sure your chemical bottle cap is clean, installed properly, not damaged, and is without any dried residue. If the problem persists, call for service.
Question 7: The oven is very loud when turned on, what could be causing that?
If a loud noise is heard when the unit is turned on, briefly try to identify what component is causing the noise. Then turn the unit off to prevent damage. Also disconnect the power before placing your hands near any components that have the potential to rotate.
customer steps
- Confirm your baffle/blower wheel is properly installed and verify no product has come in contact with the blower wheel.
- Confirm the cooking fan guard at the rear of the unit is not obstructed and no debris is caught in the fan. If the problem persists, turn the unit off to prevent damage and call for service.
Question 8: How do I order a gasket, install a gasket, or adjust the T latch?
Over time the gasket on the unit wears out. It is necessary for the operators to replace it when it does. To order a new gasket, call UFPC Parts Connection at 866-570-5893.
See the gasket and T-latch demonstration videos below to refer to the gasket, t-latch and cavity vent files in the Supporting Documentation to the right.
Gasket Installation Video
T-Latch Adjustment Video
Question 9: The controller reads Close Door / Drain Open
The strike switch, located in the upper left hand corner of the door, is used to confirm the door is completely closed before allowing the unit to operate in cook mode. It is a normally open switch that closes and sends 24 volts DC to the relay board when the door is closed.
customer steps
- Turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, call for service.
Question 10: When I press the drain button, it beeps twice and the drain does not open.
Anytime the controller beeps twice it indicates the selected function is unavailable in the current state. In the case of the drain button, it will not work with the oven temperature over 150 degrees F, or if the strike switch is not open.
customer steps
- Press the Temp/Toggle Clear key and the temperature is displayed. If the temperature is above 150 degrees, allow the unit to cool. Make sure the door is open and press the Drain key again. If you need further assistance, call Blodgett Service at 1-802-658-6600.
Question 11: When I turn the oven on, the display does not light up, what should I check?
customer steps
- Verify the unit is plugged in and the breaker to the plug is not tripped.
- Check the circuit breaker at the bottom of the unit control panel to verify it is not tripped.
- If the problem persists, call for service.
Question 12: The door won’t open, but the controller is not in the clean mode.
This unit is equipped with the door lock to prevent the operator from coming in contact with the cleaning chemical that is in the oven during the cleaning cycle. Follow the steps below until the door can be opened.
customer steps
- Start the clean mode and let it run for 30 seconds. Then press and hold the clean button for 5 seconds to cancel it.
- If the T latch was recently adjusted, mention that to the service personnel. If it was not properly tightened, the latch could be spinning and it will not disengage from the handle. If the problem persists, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 13: I cannot close the door what can cause that?
This unit is equipped with door lock to prevent the operator from coming in contact with the cleaning chemical that is in the oven during the cleaning cycle. Follow the steps below until the door can be closed.
customer steps
- Turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power.
- Ensure that the T Latch is horizontal, and level. (East to West), and if the problem persists, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 14: Can I cancel a clean mode once it is running.
When the oven is in clean mode, it can be cancelled by pressing and holding the clean button for 5 seconds. At approximately 5 minutes into the cycle, Chemical Injection appears on the display to indicate the chemical is being added to the unit. After this time, cancelling the Clean Cycle will skip the wash portion and rinse out the unit.
customer steps
- Press and hold the Clean button for 5 seconds. If it is cancelled before the chemical inject step of the clean cycle, the clean cycle will immediately abort. If it is cancelled after the chemical inject step, the unit will jump to “Pump Fill” and skip the wash cycle, but rinse out the unit. If you need further assistance, call Blodgett Service for assistance at 1-802-658-6600.
Question 15: The catch tray below the door is overflowing with water in the morning.
When the oven is in clean mode, the door gasket seals the door to the oven cavity to prevent leaks, but over time as the gasket wears down, the seal can become less effective. The T latch will need adjustments as the gasket wears, and finally the gasket will need to be replaced. The catch pan under the door gives the operator a visual indicator, after the clean mode is complete, of what, if anything, needs to be adjusted or replaced.
Above we see on the left, the T latch position with a brand new gasket, on the right we see the last position available before the gasket must be replaced. Once the catch pan fills up during a clean cycle it is time to adjust the T Latch in one setting, which will be between the left and right adjustments pictured above. When the T Latch has been set with the gauge as shown on the right, it is time to order a new gasket.
See question #8 above for adjustment instructions.
Question 16: The controller display reads Low, High or Load what does it mean?
LOW – indicated the control is reading a temperature more than 10 degrees F lower than the current set point.
HIGH – indicated the control is reading a temperature more than 10 degrees F higher than the current set point.
LOAD – indicated the control is within 10 degrees F +/- of the current set point
If you need further assistance, call Blodgett Service for assistance at 1-802-658-6600.
Question 17: The controller display reads High Limit Temp or High Temp.
A High Limit Temp error is triggered when the control reads a temperature above 565 degrees F.
A Hi Temp error is triggered when the control reads a temperature exceeding 150 degrees F over the current set point. If the current set point is 415 or above, the High Limit Temp error is tripped instead because 150 over the set point puts the reading at 565 or greater.
customer steps
- Turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 18: The controller display reads Warning, Door Not Locked, or Warning, Door Locked
When the lock motor rotates and extends or retracts the lock pin, the cam on the shaft activates one of two switches. The switches close and tell the lock board what the position of the lock is.
customer steps
- Verify that nothing is obstructing the door lock pin from extending toward the door. If the problem persists, call for service.
Question 19: The controller display reads High Limit Error.
There are two types of High Limit Errors, one occurs when there is a problem with the high limit circuit or the high limit is tripped, the second occurs when any reoccurring error persists after the power is reset during the clean mode. Always record any errors you see at the controller, if the original error is replaced with a high limit error, due to cycling the unit power, time and money will be wasted trying to find the original cause.
customer steps
- If a High Limit Error occurs during the clean cycle, follow the instruction on this page.
- If a High Limit Error occurs during any other time than clean mode, such as while cooking or while idle, turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 20: The controller display reads Strike Switch Error or when the door is open the fan continues to spin.
A Strike Switch Error occurs when the relay board does not receive J11 pin 5 and J11 pin 2 in the proper sequence. J11 pin 2 input proves the strike switch is closed and J11 pin 5 proves the hinge switch is closed. Typically the unit works in this way: with the door open past 15 inches, the hinge and strike switches are open, once the door is closed between 5 and 15 inches, the hinge switch closes and once the door is 100% closed, the strike switch closes. CAUTION: If the strike switch is stuck the motor will continue to run until the door is opened between 5 to 15 inches, opening the Hinge Switch which will trigger the Strike Switch Error. If the motor continues to run with the door open all the way, both the Strike Switch and the Hinge Switch are staying closed. If this occurs, turn the unit off and call for service.
customer steps
- Turn the unit off then clean and push/pull the strike switch in the upper left hand corner of the door of the oven until it moves freely.
- Turn you circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, call for service.
Question 21: The controller reads Com Error.
As the unit is in operation, the relay board and the controller communicate through the COM cable. If the controller fails to read the communication input, a COM Error will occur.
customer steps
- Turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, call for service.
Question 22: The controller display reads Heat Error.
When the oven is preheated from 150 to 300 degrees F, the controller tracks the time. If it does not reach 300 in 10 minutes, a Heat Error occurs.
customer steps
- Turn the unit off and call for service. Cooking in the unit without the elements working properly can lead to food safety concerns.
Question 23: The controller display reads Fan Error.
Any time the control instructs the relay board to output a call for the fan, the controller is sampling for a return signal from the inverter (terminal 11) which is known as Drive@Speed. If this -24V DC signal is not present at the relay board terminal J11 pin 4 for 10 seconds, a fan error is triggered. NOTE: If a fan error occurs during the clean cycle, it is typically caused by a blocked drain. The cavity fills with water and the blower wheel, running underwater, overtaxes the motor which causes an error.
customer steps
- Turn the unit off and verify, if possible, that nothing is obstructing the rotation of the blower wheel. If the oven is in clean mode when the error occurs, it is not possible to check it, record the error, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 24: The controller display reads Probe Error.
The controller frequently samples the cavity probe inputs at the relay board. If the probes read open or shorted, the control triggers a Probe Error.
customer steps
- Turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 25: The controller display reds Heat Sink Error.
A heat sink error is triggered when the relay board receives an input at J11 pin 6.
customer steps
- Turn your circuit breaker off and unplug the unit. Wait one minute and reconnect the power. If the problem persists, turn the unit off and call for service.
Question 26: I need to test a component on the oven, how can I do that?
Call for service. Refer to our service provider page to find an authorized technician in your area.
Question 27: Where can I get more details about the oven refurbishment program?
To find out more details of the Oven Refurbishment Program call 1-802-658-6600.
The refurbishment kit, offered April 2011, is being offered again for those who missed the opportunity to upgrade/enhance their XCEL-50EC ovens. This refurbishment kit includes additional stainless steel fittings to replace the brass fitting coming in contact with the chemical cleaner.
If you participated in the April 2011 refurbishment kit offer and would like to add just the additional stainless steel fittings to you oven, these fittings are offered as a separate addendum to the refurbishment kit. To order the refurbishment kits or just the stainless steel fitting addendum package, contact UFPC Parts Connection at 866-570-5893.
Question 28: I need service for my oven, who should I call in my state?
Click here for a service agent directory.
Question 29: What number do I call if I have additional questions?
1-802-658-6600, press 4 for technical service.